Being very close in age and because they’re homeschooled, my
daughters interact with each other continually every day. They get along
remarkably well most of the time, and they consider themselves to be each
other’s best friend. But, of course, neither is perfect, so they encounter
regular conflict with each other as well. And, not surprisingly, I see them use
their multiple intelligence strengths for ill when they’re struggling with each
My older daughter, Rachel, is quite body-smart, which means
she’s physically active and also very agile. It also means she’s quite tactile.
So when she was younger, she expressed frustration with her sister by biting
and pushing. My husband and I disciplined and worked with her to outgrow those
tendencies, but she still gravitates toward making physical contact with her
sister when they argue. She grabs Abigail’s arm, trying to pull her toward a
desired destination. Or she hangs on Abigail’s shoulders, attempting to coerce
her into following Rachel’s preferred course of action.
Abigail, on the other hand, uses her word- and logic-smart
strengths as weapons against Rachel. She attempts to argue every angle of a
disagreement the two of them have - and she’s quite adept at it, much to
Rachel’s utter dismay. She also analyzes and parses Rachel’s words, taking
great delight in pointing out her sister’s inconsistencies and occasional
incorrect usage. She apologizes when we call her out on it, but she still
struggles to keep the negative aspect of her smarts at bay.
What about the kids in your life? Can you see how they
sometimes use their smarts in inappropriate ways? Perhaps your picture-smart
child zones out of an important conversation with a sibling by doodling instead
of listening. Maybe your people-smart student uses her natural ability to
attract friends in order to encourage her “tribe” to belittle an introverted
classmate. And perhaps your nature-smart child falls into the habit of valuing
the things he collects above relationship.
Kathy regularly points out that we have choices – daily and
sometimes by the minute – to use our strengths for good and not for ill. We, of
course, want to encourage the kids in our lives to maximize their smarts, and
part of our job is to avoid stifling or paralyzing their natural inclinations.
But we also need to actively instruct them to become aware of ways in which
they might use their smarts to hurt others. And we need to mentor them so
they’ll want to eschew the wrong use of their multiple intelligence strengths
more often than not.
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