Justin is 19. That night he explained that he had not graduated in the spring and would be returning for a fifth year of high school to earn his diploma. With humility, he said, “I didn’t take things seriously the first two years so I didn’t get my credits.”
In my years as a high school teacher, I knew several students in similar situations. Justin stands out for at least two reasons. First, he is going back; he wants to properly finish what he started. He could have chosen any number of other options, but he is persevering, in order to do the right thing. Second, he is trusting God in it. He said, “It’s gonna be hard. But I know God has a plan for me this year. And I want to glorify Him.”
That is what I call turning a big lemon into lemonade! Justin is not only choosing to do the hard thing, but he is choosing also to have the right attitude in it—to do it for and with God.
How about you?
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